Super Junior
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3. Whatever you want to write.

Dum Dee Dum... I am not a super hero neither am i spiderman. I am going to save the world... like as if you would believe. I am a maniac. I came from an outer space which is filled with water. I learn swimming at the age of zero.I wail like a cry baby. I crawl like spiderman, i fly like superman, i drive like batman. I live in wonderland. Rugrats is my friend, so is peter pan.

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Friday, May 1, 2009
When U Fall In Love,U will...


愛上一個人時,通常會有一些奇怪的舉動,也會有一些令自己都意想不到事,明明自己平時的行為就不會這樣,可是還是會很不由自主的做出這些舉動來,那些如果你有下列的症狀的話,恭禧你,你已經愛上某人了! 一、打電話卻沒有正當理由
* J: Y' C5 r7 H總是會有一股衝動的拿起電話來,想要打給對 方,可是真的打通了你卻也不知道要說些什麼,只好開始故作正經的說好像很重要的事,好像不問他不行的事。或是發生了一點小事也非要跟他扯上關係,然後正經 八百的打電話跟他說。其實說穿了還不是只想聽到對方的聲音。 二、談話中透露出你的優點
: T9 C, A+ }; } e8 i' F T朋友一群,你會非常的自然就走到他的身邊,在聊天中,你會有意無意的就問一些他的出生年月日,家裡的情怳,他喜好厭惡呀。重點是你會把你的一切也順便都說出來,而且會強調你的優點,隱藏你的缺點。目的是拉近彼此的距離。 三、對認識他的人特別友好
* ~2 f% _ y: s- \) L5 ]公仔箱論壇他週圍的朋友,你會特別的友善,原因很簡單,因為你要知道他的事情從他們口中可以知道,而你的表現也會透過他們讓他知道。如果認識他的父母的話,那肯定會表現出更加美好的那一面。 四、他的一舉一動你都很關心- b/ w% ]; v/ T) K9 H& C; x% c- i
你跟他說話,他的眼神你會很專注,其實,豈止只有眼神呢!小至他的嘴唇,大至他的行動到影子,你都會比你自己的身影還要注意。他的消息你也會很注意,甚至有時比他自己還清楚行程。 五、約會時,你一定會早到
/ p P1 m# W' ?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。如果你跟他有約,你一定會早到,而且前一天會為了今天的約會費心的考慮怎樣穿著,怎樣說話,總之會非常的精心設計與打扮自己。遲到總是給人不好的印像,想要給他一個美好的印像所以你會在那天把你最好的一面最美的衣服給表現出來。 六、你絕對會站在他那一方TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 K, V( g% t! Q7 i+ p% h. R' }3 _' Y
0 O# h- O- l# J" f6 m/ ltvb now,tvbnow,bttvb,tv series,tv drama,movie,bt,download七、過去的情史絕不再提
, j' f+ f9 U0 J6 }TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。就算他非常有興趣的想知道你過去的交往史,可是你也絕不會再提起,也許只是輕描淡寫的一句話帶過,正因為你不會讓對方知道你的過往一切,所以你不想再提。 八、表白的話一定會說出口TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。/ k) O0 ?8 a' v" w5 l- E& E
直接間接的會說,有意無意的暗示,甚至你有時也會開玩笑的假設性口吻的說。無非是試探對方的反應是如何,如果他沒有特別的反感,或是強烈的說「不」,那麼就可以知道他應該是有點喜歡你的。 九、連醫生也無法醫治的症狀1 a3 |$ j; J4 Y( U" z. D
有時傻笑、有時異的常極積、神魂颠倒、強烈的熱情、見到他時兩眼發直,不自覺走向他身邊…………….。只要與你平時的行為不一樣的現象,你就要注意了! 你有這些症狀嗎?那你肯定愛上某人了!



xx signed off at 10:46 PM

The Best Moment In Life...

The Best Moment In Life :
1. Falling in love.

2. Laughing till your stomach hurts.

3. Enjoying a ride down the country side.

4. Listening to your favorite song on the radio.

5. Going to sleep listening to the rain pouring outside.

6. Getting out of the shower and wrapping yourself with a warm, fuzzy towel..

7. Passing your final exams with good grades.

8. Being a part of an interesting conversation.

9. Finding some money in some old

10. Laughing at yourself.

11. Sharing a wonderful dinner with all your friends.

12. Laughing without a reason.

13. 'Accidentally' hearing someone say something good about you.

14. Watching the sunset.

15. Listening to a song that reminds you of an important person in your life.

16. Receiving or giving your first kiss.

17. Feeling this buzz in your body when seeing this
'special' someone.

18. Having a great time with your friends.

19. Seeing the one you love happy.

20. Wearing the shirt of a person you love and smelling his/her perfume.

21. Visiting an old friend of yours and
remembering great memories.

22. Hearing someone telling you 'I LOVE YOU'

xx signed off at 10:42 PM

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
i cant get it!!!!!!!!!

i really cant get wat u say la....

xx signed off at 1:11 AM

Sunday, April 19, 2009
haiz~~~ntg to say...

New Blogger
its so happy bcaz there r a new blogger to blog....
i think he gt the talent to b a blogger....
y leh???coz he gt so much thing to write on it....
sumtime i oso dunu wat have i write on blog....
bt mostly ,i write it when i'm down....

wat i'm think is sumtime i 'm different from others...........
i don't noe y i will think like tat.........
mayb i like those thing tat my friend dun like.........
i like wat my friend or my relatives thinks tat r bored..........
even they dun say it out bt i feel tat they r..........

xx signed off at 3:49 AM

Friday, April 17, 2009


放棄一個很愛你人 並不痛苦
放棄一個你很愛人 那才痛苦
愛上一個不愛你人 那是更痛苦

逃避 不一定躲得過
面對 不一定最難過
孤單 不一定不快樂
得到 不一定能長久
失去 不一定不再擁有

無論何時何地 當看不到她/她時候會想念她/他

當他/她出事時候 你會比誰都著急

你會包容她/他所有缺點 在你眼裡他/她永遠是最完美

當你想起她/她做出可愛 浪漫事時 會不知覺傻笑

覺得好甜蜜 好甜蜜
你體會到了嗎 如果沒有就放棄 重新開始吧 祝福你

xx signed off at 6:40 AM

Friday, April 10, 2009
englsi debate at 9-4-09

after tt,eating my dinner...
n siti arrive n asking me out 4 watching d english debate competition...
so,i go with them....
its acs n anderson competition...
its title was:''coparal punishment...effects on society''(sumthing like tat la)
n finally,asc won....
n i rmb the acs's second debater say
:''u can fool anyone at anytime,
u can fool any ppl at anytime,
bt u cannot fool ppl all the time...''
haha,tats funny....

n dunu who say(ex-acs-ian)
:''anderson n smi is the best school in ipoh''
then all the student from anderson n smi cheer....
n the acs-ian :''boo~~~!!!''

n he say again:''AFTER acs!!!!!!!''
haha,acs-ian cheer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

funny ,rite????

xx signed off at 6:00 AM


today was my little biao mei 1 year old bday...
so cute neh her...
luv u,min meng!!!!!!!!!!

xx signed off at 5:51 AM


tag board code here i recommend cbox... tagboard width 160